Expert Lawn Fertilization Program in Des Moines, Ankeny, Clive & Altoona, IA

Growing a healthy, strong, green grass can be a challenge because certain conditions can be of serious damage to your lawn. However, Iowa Lawn and Landscape offers you our 6 Step Fertilization Program! This program can help you achieve a strong, green lawn all year long! Learn more about the benefits of each individual step below!

A person wearing red and white gloves is holding a pile of dirt in their hands.

First Step:

Biosol is a natural, organic fertilizer that’s used as the first step in the fertilization process. It works by slowly releasing nutrients into the soil, improving its overall health and supporting strong root growth. By applying Biosol in early spring, it helps your lawn recover from winter, giving it a boost of energy to start growing again. This process also encourages the development of healthy soil, which is key for long-term lawn health. Plus, Biosol helps reduce the growth of weeds by creating a stronger, more resilient lawn that can better compete against unwanted plants.

A pile of fertilizer is sitting on top of a lush green lawn.

Second Step:

Applied Early Spring, March through April

This is a pre-emergent granular fertilizer and its purpose is to promote a Spring “Green up,” which helps your lawn grow back after Winter has concluded and the ground starts to thaw. This application helps strengthen the lawn so it stays green and healthy throughout the year and also, prevents summer annual weeds such as crabgrass, from sprouting!

A small plant is growing out of the ground next to a lawn.

Third Step:

Applied Late Spring/Early Summer, April through May

This is an granular fertilizer containing time released nitrogen. As the Spring passes by, we continue to apply fertilizer that helps your lawn flourish. This step will enhance the color of the lawn so it will remain a beautiful shade of green late into the season while improving the lawn’s density.

At the end of April, we really start to turn our focus to weed control, as plenty of actively growing weeds start popping up. These are broadleaf weeds such as dandelions, which can make your lawn an eye sore and unsightly lawn if they are allowed to grow out of control. This is a liquid application you spray to kill off any troublesome weeds.

A grasshopper is sitting on a green leaf in the grass.

Fourth Step:

Applied in middle to late Summer, June through July

The fourth step is granular fertilizer that is applied during the hot Summer months. The heat radiated from the sun can cause your lawn to turn brown and die. This application will help strengthen your lawn as the temperatures start to increase. Grubs and other insects start showing up during the Summer and plenty of them love to eat grass and their roots. During this application, we also manage and make sure these insects do not cause damage to your lawn, and also handle any persistent weeds still hanging around.

A lawn with a lot of leaves on it

Fifth Step:

Applied in Early Fall, September through October.

The fifth step is a granular application that is applied when Summer ends. Your grass may start to thin and lose its color. This occurs when your lawn goes dormant from weather getting hotter. When September arrives, we apply more fertilizer so the lawn can keep growing the remainder of the Fall season. This application will also help your lawn regain its color if the color starts to dull. This is a natural time for weeds to start growing again. Typically, weeds germinate in the Summer, if any begin sprouting at this time as a result of these conditions, they are properly addressed and handled at this application.

A close up of a field of grass covered in frost.

Sixth Step:

Applied in Late Fall, October through November

The sixth step in our program is or could be considered the most crucial one, as it begins preparing your lawn for the cold, winter months ahead. Lawns are at high risk during Winter especially when snowfall starts. This seasonal fertilizer is applied to the lawn for it to promote development of strong, healthy roots. Well developed roots will make it easier to maintain healthy grass through winter. In addition, it makes any losses more manageable to grow back when Spring rolls around.

Call the Experts

Iowa Lawn and Landscape also offers a variety of other fertilizer applications and programs that are more centric to YOUR needs! Please reach out to us today to discuss more in depth your personal concerns and expectations for your lawn maintenance!

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